Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pearls Before Breakfast

     Pearls Before Breakfast has been one of the most interesting pieces we have read I think. This essay really shows my belief that entertainment IS a personal choice. Entertainment, in my mind, does not need to be enjoyable but it must get the person's attention away from whatever task is at hand. This essay tells the overview of Joshua Bell, a very famous violinist, in the middle of a New York subway station during rush hour one morning. He had just preformed a sell out show a few nights prior to this as he stood in the subway playing his violin for the people passing by. There were hundreds of people from workers trying to get to work on time, to little kids. Many people were in a bug rush to get to work on time and did not give Bell the time of day. They were too busy to take a few minutes to stop and listen to his music even though he was very famous and well-known for his music. It was great music, that wasn't the problem. The problem was people choosing whether or not they wanted to listen to Bell play his music that morning. Many of them did not have time, although a handful of people did end up stopping to listen by the end of the morning. This just shows that no matter how good or well-known someone is, if the person walking by does not have time or does not want to stop and listen to the music then they will not do so. This is proving my point that entertainment is a personal choice more than anything else.

Psychology Of People and Machines

      The Psychology of People and Machines suggests that technology brings more peril. The first example Norman give is the pilot yelling "pull! pull1" because the plane is too low for safety. He then progresses into examples that may happen in the future relating to technology. Such as, a person's fridge saying "no not eggs again. Not until your weight goes down." Norman also says, "new kinds of intelligent machines no longer need people to authorize their actions." This article explains artificial intelligence very well, meaning that these machines are automated and will makes things easier for humans. He believes thus artificial intelligence increases humans real intelligence . the machines are not really "intelligent" they are just doing what the creator tells them to do. Norman thinks that technology brings peril because of these automated machines. It is making humans lazy with all of this new technology. Yes it makes everything easier, but more people people become reliant on it. we can still do everything without these machines! We just chose to use them because they re available and make our jobs easier.